
Wunnen Luxembourg
Published on saturday march 8th 2008

Exposition de photos ‘Bedrooms’


by Herlinde Koelbl

Bedroom – the word releases a flood of fantasies: dreams, expectations, desires. The reality of this room is, however, quite another matter.

It is the room of great privacy, one that strangers may seldom enter.

It is the nest. A place of retreat. The place to release tension. We spend almost a third of our life there.

Taken in London, Berlin, Moscow, Rome, New York and Paris, these striking color images offer an artist's view of the rooms where people of the world's great cities retreat into intimacy. A photographic essay, the exhibition shows how people from different cultures, classes and walks of life, each have their own individual aesthetic sensibilities – especially when it comes to the place they go to when they want to sleep.

Galerie Clairefontaine - ESPACE 1

7, place de Clairefontaine

L-1341 Luxembourg

Tel. +352 47 23 24

Fax +352 47 25 24

Mardi – Vendredi: 14h30 – 18h30

Samedi 10h-12h00 et 14h-17h


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